Saturday, February 27, 2010

Ion iType gives your iPhone a full QWERTY


Ion, the popular manufacturer of iPhone accessories has recently launched their new product – iType which is a full QWERTY keyboard gadget that transforms the iPhone into a much more convenient to use mini computer. This is great for those who text and email alot while on the go with their iPhone.

There are some downsides though. Since Apple won’t allow the use of external accessories to act as input for the iPhone interface, you won’t be able to type emails just by tapping on Mail as it won’t recognise keystrokes from the iType as simple as that. You must use Ion’s iType application to write everything you want, and afterwards send the content via email or do a normal copy/paste to another application.

In addition, as you can see the iType is a near full size keyboard, which means carrying this around with you won’t be so portable afterall!

Rumours at the moment suggests the Ion iType will be approximately $100 / £70.



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